How to Get Married in the Catholic Church – A Guide for Couples


Marrying in the Catholic Church is a sacred and meaningful event that symbolizes the couple’s commitment to each other and to God. The Catholic Church has strict policies regarding marriage, which require couples to meet specific criteria and undergo certain procedures before their union can be recognized as valid. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to the process of getting married in the Catholic Church, empowering couples to navigate the necessary steps and requirements.

Marriage in the Catholic Church – Good Shepherd's

Understanding the Requirements

Before pursuing marriage in the Catholic Church, couples must meet the following requirements:

  • Both individuals must be baptized Catholics and have received Confirmation.
  • They must be of consenting age (typically 18 years old or older) and mentally competent.
  • They must be free of any previous, valid sacramental marriages.
  • They must intend to live out their marriage according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, including remaining faithful, loving, and open to children.

The Pre-Marriage Course

Once the couple has met the basic requirements, they need to attend a pre-marriage course approved by the Catholic Church. This course provides education and guidance on various aspects of marriage, including communication, conflict resolution, financial management, and sexual intimacy.

The Engagement Period

After completing the pre-marriage course, the couple can formally announce their engagement. This period is a time for deeper discernment, prayer, and preparation for the marriage vows. The couple may also choose to have their marriage banns read at their respective parishes to inform the community of their intention to marry.

Why doesn’t the Catholic Church allow couples to get married outside ...

The Marriage Ceremony

The marriage ceremony is the culmination of the preparation process. It is typically officiated by a priest or deacon and takes place in a Catholic church. During the ceremony, the couple exchanges vows, which express their commitment to live out their marriage in accordance with the Catholic faith. Afterward, the couple may participate in the nuptial Mass, which includes the Eucharist (Communion).

The Sacrament of Matrimony

The marriage ceremony symbolizes the sacrament of matrimony, which is a sacred covenant between the couple and God. Through this sacrament, the couple is united in a lifelong bond of love and fidelity. The sacrament also grants the couple the graces necessary to fulfill their vocation as husband and wife.

Additional Considerations

In addition to the basic requirements and procedures, couples may need to consider the following:

  • Dispensations: In some cases, couples may need to obtain a dispensation from the Church for various reasons (e.g., if they have been previously married or if they are not Catholic).
  • Church Music: The choice of music for the marriage ceremony should adhere to the guidelines of the Church and reflect the sacred nature of the event.
  • Nuptial Attire: The couple’s attire should be respectful and in keeping with the formal nature of the ceremony.
  • Photography and Videography: Couples should consider hiring a photographer or videographer who is familiar with Catholic wedding protocol to capture the precious memories of their special day.

Expert Insights and Actionable Tips

According to Father Matthew Stephen, a Catholic priest and marriage counselor, “Preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church is a journey of reflection and growth. Couples should approach the process with an open heart and a willingness to learn and grow together.”

  1. Communicate openly: Discuss your expectations, values, and goals for marriage.
  2. Seek guidance: Consult with a priest, deacon, or marriage counselor for support and advice.
  3. Prioritize prayer: Prayer is essential for discerning God’s will and seeking blessings for your marriage.
  4. Be patient and persevering: The process of preparing for marriage requires time and effort.
  5. Celebrate your love: Never forget the joy and love that brought you together.

How To Get Married In Catholic Church


Getting married in the Catholic Church is a significant undertaking that requires discernment, preparation, and a deep commitment to the principles of faith. By following the steps outlined in this article and embracing the guidance of the Church, couples can embark on the journey of marriage with confidence and trust, knowing that they are entering into a sacred covenant that will sustain them throughout the challenges and joys of married life.

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